Excel labels on X Axis

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Excel labels on X Axis

Post by stry » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:29 pm

Can you help me? I am trying to create a chart in Excel with two data sets, and the corresponding years across the X-axis. However, I cannot get it to include the years, just a set of numbers 0-6 (the number of data points). I tried adding the years as a new data set, but that messes up the chart. What am I doing wrong?

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Post by hal_nesbitt » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:57 pm

Hi stry. The trick is in the chart wizard. Select the two sets of data, click the chart wizard, choose line graph (not scatterplot), then click the 'series' tab and at the bottom define a range for the “Category (x) axis labels” option by highlighting your cells with the years in them. Follow the rest of the prompts through the wizard as normal to generate the chart. Let me know if you have any problems.
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